To be an outstanding Quaker residential care home for older people.
Our Aims:
- To strive and commit to the best principles of the Quaker faith and its practices.
- To be an outstanding residential care home, where our residents feel safe, well cared for and truly cherished. In turn, our families have complete trust and our staff feel privileged to be a part of our home.
- To meet our shared objectives by ensuring that Harbour House is well-led, responsive and effective in everything we do.
Our Guiding Principles:
We put our residents first in everything we do. Every day we ask ourselves:
- Did I do my very best for each and every resident?
- Who am I making this easy for?
- Does this feel like our residents’ home, not a care home?
- Are our residents, their families, care professionals and friends satisfied with the care and service we provide?
- Are we safe?
- Are we well-led?
- Are we always looking to improve?
- Are we listening?
We hope to be the care provider and employer of choice for everyone living in our home, working in our home or providing a service to our home.
Our Hopes:
- To ensure that we provide a ‘life’ – not a service.
- To provide the best possible care and support 24 hours a day to all our residents.
- To ensure all our staff are trained to be the best they possibly can with the correct knowledge, understanding and opportunities.
- To make our environment warm and homely.
- To commit to continuous improvement.
- To have positive and meaningful partnerships with everyone we support including anyone who plays an important part in their lives.
Our Values:
- To be kind to each other.
- To put our residents and staff first.
- To listen and respond to the people we support.
- To support all our residents and staff to achieve their aspirations.
- To be honest, transparent, fair and ethical in everything we do.
- To learn, accept and apologise when things go wrong.
- To ensure we acknowledge our staff in everything they do for our residents and celebrate every success, no matter how small.